Arnold Studio is a full-service architecture and interior design practice operating in multiple areas.

New Buildings - Residential & Commercial

- Pre-design consultancy
- Zoning and building code research
- Feasibility studies
- Schematic/Concept Design
- Design Development
- Construction Documents
- Bidding & Negotiation
- Construction Administration

Existing Buildings - Renovations & Additions

Repurposing and recycling our existing buildings is a key component to reinforcing existing communities and contributing to a sustainable future for our urban centers. Whether you’re considering working on a historic structure, or converting a former industrial building, we have the creative expertise to realize your redevelopment project. 

- Renovations
- Adaptive reuse

Sustainable & Passive House Design

There are many paths to sustainability and environmental responsibility, including reducing energy consumption, using recycled and recyclable materials, and creating healthier interior environments. We believe that each project’s contribution to an ecologically equitable future should be tailored to its context, economics, and purpose.

- PHIUS certified Passive House Consultancy

Interior Design - Residential, Commercial, Retail & Workplace

The interior spaces we inhabit directly affect our emotions, productivity, and health. We strive to develop stimulating interior spaces that meet the diverse needs of occupants and enrich daily life.

- Space planning
- Custom furniture design
- Furniture sourcing and procurement
- Lighting design

Landscape Design

We believe the relationship between landscape and building should be symbiotic. Our design approach seeks to consider both in parallel from a project’s inception.